Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday Workout

I went to the gym later than usual today so my wife could go to yoga this morning. I went to the 12:00 class and the warm up started with a 500 meter row followed by 3 rounds:

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 abmat sit-ups
  • 10 PVC arm circles
  • 10 air squats
My legs were sore as shit from the Friday workout and the air squats during the warm up were tough. You know you are in trouble when the warm up hurts. The workout was next and was prescribed as follows for time:

  • 100 burpee pull-ups
  • rest 2 minutes
  • 100 kettlebell swings (35/25) - EMOM do 5 air squats
EMOM is every minute on the minute so while doing the kettlebell swings you stop at the top of every minute and do 5 air squats. I completed the workout in 21:50. I thought the burpee pull-ups were going to be the worst part but they were easier than I thought. I did 25 unbroken to start and took a short break. I followed that with another 25 unbroken and took another break. I then did 10 and then started doing thrm 5 at a time and finished with that in 13:35 before moving on to the kettlebell swings when the clock hit 15:35. I guess that means I did the kettlebell portion in a bit less than 6:00, seemed like it took an hour. I pushed real hard on the last minute because I really did not want to have to do an extra 5 air squats so I guess that EMOM crap worked.

Just in case that was not enough we then did some core work.

  • 100 weighted abmat sit-ups (20/10)
Last time I had done a bunch of abmat sit-ups I ended up with the infamous abmat ass crack rash so I was a bit concerned about this one. I put a folded up yoga mat down and went to work. When I got home and jumped in the shower I held my breath waiting for the sting and... nothing. Looks like that simple solution works.

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