Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Monday and Wednesday

Well I got a little backed up on the posts so this will cover two days. Monday we had the giant storm coming in but I still got up and made my way in for the 6:00 am class. I was the only one there for the class. I don't recall the warm up but the workout was a 20 minute AMRAP:
  • 25 kettlebell swings (53/35)
  • 25 wall ball shots (20/16)
  • 10 burpees
I completed 5 rounds exactly with 35# on the kettlebell and 16# on the wall ball shots. I tried starting off with the 53# kettlebell and knocked out 1 rep before I realized I would fuck my back all up if I stayed at that weight. I dropped it and grabbed the 35# kettlebell I had strategically placed directly next to me for when I wussed out on the prescribed weight. I also started the wall ball shots with 20# but switched to 16# part way through the second round. It is so much harder to push yourself when you are the only one there doing the workout. I think if someone else was next to me I likely would have done a bit more. That is not to say I wasn't wiped because I was but I think I could have pushed a bit harder. With that in mind I decided to punish myself a bit today.

Today's workout was a special Halloween WOD with the following note on the web site
Come in Costume (31 burpee penalty post-WOD for no costume)
Well, I don't ever look at the site ahead of time because I do not want to know the workout in case it is something I don't want to do so I had no costume. Not to mention, I would have had a tough time doing a workout in my costume.

The workout was a Halloween Chipper: Complete all 10 of the following for time.
  • Row for calories - 31 Cal
  • Bar facing burpees - 31 reps
  • Slam balles - 31 reps (30/20)
  • Double unders - 31 rep or single unders - 93 reps
  • Air squat - 31 reps
  • Kettlebell swings - 31 reps (53/35)
  • Box jumps - 31 reps (24/20in)
  • Toes-toBar - 31 reps
  • Dumbbell deadlift - 31 reps (2x45/2x30)
  • GHD sit-ups - 31 reps
Chipper WOD's are designed to be pretty challenging just based on quantity and variety of moves. Typically you will need to come up with some sort of rep scheme to pace yourself so you can make it through an entire chipper without failing before the end. A good example of failure before the end was my performance on the filthy fifty a while back. Because of the number of us there to do the workout we had to start at different moves in the list so we were not all on the same exercise at the same time. I started at slam balls, which in hind sight might not have been the best choice because it meant I had to end with burpees which is always a bitch. I completed the workout in 22:55 and did 35# on the swings and singles for the jump ropes. Everything else was as stated. Not a bad time for me I don't think. I was only :30 behind the one guy that beat me and he usually beats me pretty good.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Saturday Workout

My shoulder was a bit sore again this morning although not like the other day. I did some extra shoulder stretching again before the workout. The PVC arm circles hurt a bit though. The warm up started with a 400 meter run followed by 3 rounds:
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 hip extensions
  • 10 PVC arm circles
  • 10 lunges
The workout prescribed was 10 rounds for time of the following:
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 slam balls (20/10)
  • 100 jump rope singles
That is right 100 pull-ups, 100 slam balls, and 1000 jump ropes. I finished it in 25:47, just a few seconds behind the one guy that beat me in our class. I was ahead of him until just before the end. I did well though. I was still doing kipping pull-ups by the end and I did pretty much all the others completely unbroken.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Workout

Warm up started with a 2 minute jump rope followed by 3 rounds:
  • 10 PVC arm circles
  • 20 lunges
  • 10 GHD sit-ups
My right shoulder was bothering me a bit and the PVC arm circles hurt some. I have been having some problem with it when I sleep, waking up because it hurts the way I am laying and then when I move it there is a pop. I talked to coach Brent about it and he had me do some extra shoulder stretches before the workout and it feels fine now. We will see what happens tonight. I also had a little bit of a sore muscle in my lower left back yesterday from an awkward run into the boards in my hockey game on wed night. I had been taking a bit of advil for that and stretching it and all seems well this morning. The prescribed workout is a modified "Murph":
  • 800 meter run
  • 100 push-ups
  • 200 abmat sit-ups
  • 300 air squats
  • 800 meter run
The normal "Murph workout would be:
  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 200 push-ups
  • 300 air squats
  • 1 mile run
Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy was a Navy SEAL killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions when his 4 man team came under attack. All but one of the team were killed in that attack. It is worth doing a bit of reading about these guys. this was one of his favorite workouts and he was said to have done it every Wed. in body armor. So when it starts to get tough and you think you want to give up on this one suck it up and keep moving because it can't be as bad as these guys had it.

I started out strong running the first half mile in about 3:30 and then started pumping out push-ups. I made it to about 25 before I had to start breaking them into 10's then 5's, and finally by the end 2's. I had much more trouble with the sit-ups than I would have thought. I am usually really good with these but by the end I was doing them in 5's with maybe a second or two break. I guess 200 is a lot though. I did the air squats unbroken, 300 straight through with a med ball to make sure my depth was there. The first 50 meters of the second half mile was brutal after the squats. My legs felt like jello but after that they were fine and I finished it up strong in 35:40. this one was fun and you an do it anywhere.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wednesday Workout on Tuesday

I am really mixing things up now. I have to be at a meeting for work in VA tomorrow morning early so I won't be able to make the morning workout. I instead hit the gym up tonight. The warm up started with a 400 meter run followed by 3 rounds of:
  • 10 mountain climbers
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 PVC arm circles
The workout was prescribed as the following for time:
  • 100 meter walking lunges
  • 50 push-ups
  • 50 double unders or 150 single unders
  • 25 knees to elbows
  • 50 box jumps
  • 25 overhead squats (65/45)
  • 25 pull-up
  • 50 abmat sit-ups
I completed the workout in 21:13 with a slight modification. I did the single unders instead of doubles because I can't really do doubles. I also switched from 65# to 45# at 15 reps on the overhead squats. My form was sucking at that weight and I figured I was better off keeping the form good instead of going for weight. Had I been thinking I would have put on two 5# plates instead of the 10# ones at the start so I could have dropped from 65# to 55# easily. Oh well, live and learn. I felt pretty good and it was a fun one.

Normal crap for cool down. 200 meter run and a bunch of stretching.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Workout

Got in for the 6:00 am class today and the warm up started with a 500 meter row followed by  3 rounds:
  • 10 of some exercise I forget now
  • 10 PVC arm circles
  • 10 jumping air squats (seems weird given the workout today)
The workout as prescribed is For time:

10 round power clean ladder (115/85)
Cindy between each round which is
  • 5 pull-ups
  • 10 push-ups
  • 15 air squats
So what you are doing is the following:

round 1 - 1 power clean, 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
round 2 - 2 power cleans, 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
round 3 - 3 power cleans, 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats

You continue in this manner for 10 rounds and the whole thing is timed. coach Brent again did a very good job with explaining and demonstrating everything. I did the workout with the prescribed weight, 115#, but it took me a while. I completed it in 25:18 and the other 2 in my class were both done in under 20:00. I was struggling with the cleans by the end and actually dropped the bar 2 times on the last set of 10. I had to switch to jumping pull-ups on round 8 and I started splitting my push-ups at that point too doing 7 then a very short break, just a second or two, and then the last 3.

I finished off with the usual stretching.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Saturday on Sunday Again

I did not go to the gym yesterday morning because I had been in the evening on Friday and I was playing hockey Saturday night. I got up this morning and went to the 9:00 am class. I had not gotten home from hockey last night until midnight or so and when I got to the gym my posterior chain muscles (muscles on your rear from the base of the skull to the back of the knee) were pretty tight. Mostly my hamstrings, glutes, and lower back but my quads were a bit sore too. The warm up started with a 2 minute jump rope. I did OK on this but I think I picked a slightly short rope and it is pretty hard to do jump rope with a short rope. The rest of the warm up was 3 rounds:
  • 10 hip extensions
  • 10 PVC arm circles
  • 10 air squats
The workout was prescribed as 5 rounds for time:
The previous list has links to explanations of some of the exercises in case you don't know them. Given the soreness I was feeling in my posterior chain my heart dropped a bit when I saw this workout. I was thinking the deadlifts and slam balls were going to be brutal for me. I did the workout as prescribed in 20:46. I started pretty strong and finished as strong as I could but on the last round I split the deadlifts into 2 sets of 5 with a couple second break between them and I was doing the toes to bar moves one at a time. I did the slam balls on the last round in 2 sets of 10. I thought that was not too bad. The toes to bar seems to be one I struggle with and it is weird because it is not the move itself that is a problem but the grip. As I move through the workout it seems to get harder and harder to hold the bar without slipping off. I could probably do the moves 5 at a time at the end of this one if I could keep my hands on the bar. I might have to do some digging around online to see if there are any pointers for improving on that. I don't have grip issues with pull-ups but knees to elbows and toes to bar are tough to hold on for.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Workout

So I missed the 6:00 am workout because my alarm was not set as I thought it was. I woke up at 6:00 am so obviously I couldn't get there. Instead I went to work early and then went to the 5:30 pm class. Very different vibe and crowd in the evening but it was good. The warm up started with a 400 meter run followed by 3 rounds:
  • 5 pull-ups
  • 10 PVC arm circles
  • 20 flutter kicks
The workout was interesting and brutal. It was called deck of cards and here is how it works. There are 5 exercises each assigned a suit and one assigned to the jokers as follows.
  • Hearts - burpees
  • Diamonds - abmat sit-up
  • Spades - mountain climbers (4 count)
  • Clubs - medicine ball cleans (20/16)
  • Jokers - 400 meter run
You then take a standard deck of cards and shuffle it. Flip the first card and do the prescribed exercise for the number of reps indicated on the card. Face cards are 10 reps, aces are 20 reps, and all others are the value shown. Continue turning the cards over and doing this until you work your way through the entire deck and record your time. There is a 40 minute limit so you either make it through the deck in less that that or you stop at 40:00. I completed the deck in 36:53 which judging by the times posted on the gym web site is pretty good although I was second to last in the group I was working out with and the girl behind me did not finish the deck. This is a pretty brutal workout as I mentioned and my legs were screaming by the end. We got kind of lucky and all the aces came out real early, at least I think that is lucky but who knows. This work out sort of reminded me a bit of the filthy fifty we did shortly after I joined the gym and I think it is interesting that at the time I was unable to finish that one. I think I am definitely getting stronger. I need to go take a shower now because I smell ripe.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday Workout

The warm up started with a 2 minute jump rope. My calves were still pretty sore from Monday but I did pretty well. I am actually getting a bit better at these and made it almost the entire 2 minutes without tripping over the rope. If I keep this up I might have to start trying some double unders at some point. That was followed by 3 rounds:
  • 10 air squats
  • 10 PVC around the world stretch
  • 10 push-ups
I can't seem to find a video on the PVC around the world stretch so you will just have to imagine it. the workout prescribed was a 20 minute AMRAP:
  • 10 Sumo deadlift high pulls (115/75)
  • 15 pull-ups
  • 20 GHD sit-ups
If you don't remember the first move check out this video. This video irks me a bit because I have seen enough of Glassman's other videos to know this is his douchness even though they don't show him and he just annoys the crap out of me. I completed 4 rounds and made it through 14 of the GHD sit-ups on the 5th round but my weight was only 95#, 115# was just too much for me on the second half of this move. The new coach was there again this morning, coach Brent. He is so much better than any other crossfit coach I have had. He walks us through the warm up and then gathers everyone around for full demonstration and instruction on all moves. He then has each of us do a couple reps of each and coaches us to proper form all before the actual workout starts. He also actively comments and corrects throughout the workout as well as encourages. It sounds like they may add a couple more 6:00 am classes on Tuesday's and Thursday's soon now that he is there. That would be nice since I could get all 4 days in during the week and even do makeup days if needed while still keeping the weekend free.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Monday Workout

I am a bit late getting this put in and I don't remember the warm up. The workout was 4 rounds for time:
  • 25 Wall ball shots (20/16)
  • 25 Abmat sit-ups
  • 100 Single under jump ropes
According to the web site I completed this in 18:36 with a 16# ball. I think the coach screwed up the time a bit and we were actually 2:00 faster than what he was calling but I could be wrong. He originally set up the clock wrong, for an 8:00 count down instead of counting up. Then after it ran out he called the 10:00 mark instead of 8:00. It was a new coach, coach Brent. He just started coaching a couple months ago and will be doing all the 6:00 am classes for now. He was pretty good and provided much more input and interaction than Michele and Jay do. I started off with the 20# ball and switched to the 16# about half way through the workout when I could ot get the 20# ball up to the 10 foot mark any longer. My squats are very low on this move and my legs were screaming by the end. On the last round I was only knocking out 5 in a row before I would rest for a couple seconds and stand because my quads just wouldn't go any longer. When I finished the last round and tried to walk to the abmat my legs were not wanting to walk they were so shredded. At one point when I took a break coach Brent told me if my knees were hurting to not go as low. I explained my knees were fine and it was the quads that were killing me an I finished off as I had been doing.

After the workout my sister and I went to do a hike at Old Rag Mountain. We did the loop which is probably 8-9 miles and it was fun. The uphill part was rough and the last mile is a lot of rock scrambling and even some almost rock climbing moves. My legs were shot by the time we made it back to the car for the ride home. I am feeling pretty good today though although my glutes hurt a bit. The views from the summit were amazing as well. If you have a chance to do this hike I would highly recommend it. Here are some pictures from along the way. It rained on us pretty good on the way up but then cleared and was nice.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Workout

Warm up this morning was a 400 meter run followed by 3 rounds:
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 air squats
  • 10 PVC arm circles
Seems they could use a bit more imagination on the warm ups but at least I don't have to think of it. There were 2 people involved in the challenge there this morning and the other 4 of us were members. The workout this morning was a partner workout prescribed as:
  • 20 calorie row
  • 30 hand release push-ups
  • 30 sumo deadlift high pulls (65/53)
  • 30 knees to elbows
  • 50 meter overhead walking lunges (45/25)
  • 50 meter sprint
Hand release push-ups sound odd but they are pretty simple, have a look at this video. The sumo deadlift high pull is kind of a variation on an upright row, see this video. Knees to elbows is pretty self explanatory but here is a video just in case. We did overhead walking lunges not long ago but in case you forgot here is a video of that. The way this workout was set up you did it with a partner and one of you goes and does the first exercise while the other rests and then the second does the first exercise while the second rests then move on to the next exercise. Sounds pretty easy right? I guess it depends on which exercise and who your partner is. My partner and I completed this in something like 16:30 but I don't know for sure because there are no results on the web site. Coach Jay was there today and it seems he does not really put our results in. Kind of pisses me off a bit given the amount of cash we are spending on the membership it seems this is about the least he could do, oh well. I went second which seemed like a reasonable thing to do until we got to the end. I completed the walking lunges and had almost no time for my legs to recover before the 50 meter sprint. At least it was the end though so I push through and finished it off fast. The knees to elbows are hard as shit. It is not so much the move that is a problem as it is being able to hold on to the bar for that long. It never seems so bad with pull-ups but this move makes it tough to hold on.

Cool down was a 200 meter run and a bunch of stretching.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday Workout

Warm up started with a 400 meter run followed by 3 rounds:
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 air squats
  • 10 PVC arm circles
The workout was a 20 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible)
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 tire flip/jumps
  • 20 GHD sit ups
There were a pile of people there again today. The gym is doing some sort of challenge with an outside organization and it is full of people and none of them really know what they are doing. Also they are deaf so it is hard to help them figure out what they are doing. They are all very nice but it is a bit frustrating. I was the only actual member of the gym today. I am not trying to complain because I enjoyed helping them out but it is costing me time and intensity on my workout. I completed 4 round and then up to 7 sit-ups on the 5th round. The tire flips were a bit different this time than last, this time we did flip/jumps. Instead of just flipping you add a jump, much like a box jump to the move. Have a look at this video for a demonstration. I also substituted abmat sit-ups for the GHD sit-ups part way through round 3 because my ankle started bothering me.

Cool down was 200 meter run plus a bunch of stretching.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday Workout

Back to the gym today after missing Wednesday. I missed one day and I walk in at 6:00 am and there are 5 other people there none of which I recognized. It turns out that the gym is doing some sort of challenge through an outside organization and there are a bunch of people showing up as part of that. All of the people that showed were also deaf, we have a large deaf population in the area, which is good since I make all kinds of grunting and groaning noises when I work out.

The warm up started with 200 single under jumping jacks followed by 3 rounds:
  • 10 air squats
  • 10 mountain climbers
  • 10 push-ups
The workout was a strength workout written up on the board as For Weight:
  • 5,5,5,5,5 Back squat
  • 5,5,5,5,5 Front squat
The idea is you increase the weight each time to get to the highest weight you can do the 5 reps at with good form. I did the back squats with 135#, 135#, 145#, 145#, 155# and the front squats with 115#, 125#, 135#, 135#, 145#. I used a medicine ball behind me to make sure I was dropping as low as needed to get the full effect. The medicine ball is just there to make sure you get the full range of motion not to be used as a bouncing device. The sets where I did not increase weight were due to me feeling my form had suffered on the previous set, i.e. getting on toes at some point instead of pushing through heels or not getting full range of motion, and I did not want to increase the weight until I got the full 5 with good form. The last set of front squats I only got in 3 reps before I dropped the bar, could not make those last 2 happen but I will get it next time. I think I can probably do a bit more on the back squats next time. I might start 10# higher next time.

Standard crap on the cool down.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

No Wednesday Workout

I did not go to the gym this morning. I had a hockey game last night and got home late and I have another game tonight late. I think I will go both Saturday and Sunday this week to make up for the missed day.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mmmmmmm Bacon

I would not be at all surprised to see this activity listed on the whiteboard one day when I get to the gym (thanks mom for the link). I thought I smelled bad when I left the gym, imagine what these guys smell like.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Workout

Warm up started with 200 single under jump ropes. Once again I proved I am the most uncoordinated jack ass in the gym. That was followed with 3 rounds:
  • 10 ab mat sit-ups
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 mountain climbers
The workout then consisted of 5 rounds for time:
  • 10 man makers
  • 400 meter run
I was not familiar with the man maker sequence, or so I thought, so coach Michele demonstrated. Here is a video of the move. First thing I need to do is confess this video does not represent what we did because it does not represent what coach Michele showed us. We only did one push-up, so after dropping down we did both rows followed by one push-up only. I found a lot of videos describing this exercise and all of them had two push-ups in them. According to the gym website I completed this workout in 22:17 and used a pair of 25# dumbbells. I believe that time is correct but I can't take credit for 25# since I only did it with 20# dumbbells. I finished up with some stretching as usual.

I never did update yesterday's workout with the results since the gym never updated their site with the results, slackers. I do know we did over 1000 reps but not sure what the real number was.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Saturday Workout on Sunday

No workout Saturday. I did an evening workout on Friday and the gym had an intro to crossfit and paleo seminar Saturday so there were no classes anyway. My wife went to the seminar and was less than impressed with the paleo stuff which is fine with me since I think we eat fine now. she said she probably didn't hear anything more about crossfit than what I had already told her either but she did go. I don't think she is going to give the crossfit a try, she will probably stick to her yoga.

Today the warm up started with a 400 meter run followed by 3 rounds:
  • 10 air squats
  • 10 jumping jacks
  • 10 mountain climbers
The workout for the day is a bit confusing. The way it is written up is as follows:

With A Partner:

8 Minutes:
• Ab Mat Sit-Ups
• Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
>REST 3 Minutes
8 Minutes:
• Ground To Overhead (115/75)
• Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
>REST 3 Minutes
8 Minutes:
• Double Unders
• KB Swings (35/53)
>REST 3 Minutes
8 Minutes:
• Pull-Ups
• Push-Ups

The way this works is you do the workout with someone else and you each do one of the two exercises in each 8 minute period but not the same one to start and when one of you needs to switch you swap exercises. The idea is you are never both doing the same exercise. The score for this is the total number of reps on all exercises. Each person must do each exercise at least once, so you can't have one person do all of the pull-ups and the other do all the push-ups. I started on the wall ball shots and my partner on the ab mat sit-ups. I knocked out 20 right away unbroken which is pretty good for me. I did a pile of ab mat sit-ups on that first 8 minutes as well. That is one of my better exercises. I think the second 8 minutes was the hardest. I started with 115# on the bar but by the time the 8 minutes was up I think I was down to 85#. On the third 8 minutes I did the kettlebell swings with 35#, still not feeling like 53# is a reasonable weight for me but maybe in a couple months the way things are going. Also, both my partner and I did single unders instead of doubles. This means we had to half our rep count. Last 8 was pretty straight forward. The surprising thing to me was how long the 3 minute rest felt. I was expecting it to fly by but in all cases it seemed like a long time.

Today's scores have still not been put up on the web site. Coach Jay was there today and he does not seem real good at getting the results up very quickly, but that is a completely different story that I don't think I will get into now. I will update this when they post the results but we did something north of 1000 reps although I can't remember the exact number.

I had to bring the kids to the gym today because my wife had yoga. They are fine with that there and there are some toys and such there for them.They like watching too and sometimes  including today, they will do some rowing. There were a couple other kids there as well and the kids had fun. The other coach at the gym was there today too, I think her name was coach Sue. This was the first time I had met her and I liked her. She is in great shape, thick as hell especially the legs and she was really getting in there and trying to motivate and coach.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Workout

I had a 10:00 pm hockey game last night so I did not get up this morning for the 6:00 am workout. I did make it to the 6:30 pm class after work. This is the first time I have gone in the evening and I was the only one there. I am sure most others are having a beer at 6:30 pm on a Friday. Coach Michele was surprised to see me at that time, said I was 12 hours late.

The warm up started with a 400 meter run followed by 3 rounds:
  • 10 air squats
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 jumping jacks
The workout started with a 1 rep max:
  • shoulder press
  • deadlift
  • back squat
The deal was do one rep 3 times increasing the weight each time to find your max on the third. Your score is the sum of all 3 max weights lifted. I did 115# max shoulder press, 265# ma deadlift, and 185# max back squat for a total weight of 565#. I put a wall ball down for the squat portion to make sure I dropped far enough since I find it is relatively easy to cheat by an inch or two if you don't have it there. This was the first time I had done one of these max weight tests so it will be interesting to see what kind of improvement in strength I have next time.

The workout then finished up with a 1000 meter row for time. I completed the row in 3:46 which I thought was pretty good but I might have been able to do a bit better. I started of very fast and didn't finish as fast. I should have started slightly slower and I might have been able to finish much stronger.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday Workout

Warm up started with a 500 meter row followed by 3 rounds:

  • 10 abmat sit-ups
  • 10 ...
Crap! I can't remember but you get the idea. The workout was "Cindy" which is a 20 minute As Manay Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) workout with the following being one round.

  • 5 pull-ups
  • 10 push-ups
  • 15 air squats
I completed 12 rounds plus an extra 4 pull-ups. I did have to start doing jumping pull-ups at some pint during the workout, I think it was around the 6th round but I am not 100% sure. I would do as many without as I could and then jump for 1 or 2. By the end I was doing all 5 jumping with a slow negative. There were only 2 of us there this morning, Jackie and myself. Jackie kicked my ass on this workout with a bit over 18 rounds. It amazes me how some people can seem to do pull-ups with little or no effort and here I am trying to squeeze these things out and struggling.

The cool down was a 200 meter run followed by much stretching as usual.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Workout

Started off with 200 single under jump ropes just so I could demonstrate to everyone my complete lack of coordination, SUCCESS!! That was followed with a warm up of 3 rounds:

  • 10 air squats
  • 10 abmat sit-ups
  • 10 PVC arm circles
We then did a 10 minute skills work, no timer, in which we practiced Turkish get-ups. If you are unfamiliar with these, as I was, have a look at this video. I have done these a couple of times before with dumbbells when I was doing my own workouts at home but never with the kettlebells. These things are pretty difficult to get right and I can't imagine doing much wight with it if you were doing a timed workout. I was using a 25# kettlebell but might have been able to get as high as 30# if I did not need to do a lot. This is one of those moves that you risk dropping something real heavy on your head.

Following that we dis 20 minutes for total reps of overhead walking lunges (45/25). This move looks something like this although I think this guy needs to extend his arms more. I was initially concerned that my glutes and hamstrings were still sore from Saturday's workout but as it turns out that was the least of my worries. I could probably have done the lunges all day if I had the weight on a bar sitting on my shoulders or something. The real problem for me turned out to be holding 45# over my head for that amount of time. I did  the work in sets of 10 with a few seconds between sets, the few seconds got longer as time went on. I completed 250 reps in the 20 minute time frame. This is a great core workout which also surprised me, although I don't know why now that I think about it. It takes a lot of core strength to hold that weight overhead and do that move without falling over.

I cooled down with a 200 meter run and a bunch of stretching. Felt pretty damn good but I think I am going to be sore tomorrow.