Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday Workout

The warm up started with a 2 minute jump rope. My calves were still pretty sore from Monday but I did pretty well. I am actually getting a bit better at these and made it almost the entire 2 minutes without tripping over the rope. If I keep this up I might have to start trying some double unders at some point. That was followed by 3 rounds:
  • 10 air squats
  • 10 PVC around the world stretch
  • 10 push-ups
I can't seem to find a video on the PVC around the world stretch so you will just have to imagine it. the workout prescribed was a 20 minute AMRAP:
  • 10 Sumo deadlift high pulls (115/75)
  • 15 pull-ups
  • 20 GHD sit-ups
If you don't remember the first move check out this video. This video irks me a bit because I have seen enough of Glassman's other videos to know this is his douchness even though they don't show him and he just annoys the crap out of me. I completed 4 rounds and made it through 14 of the GHD sit-ups on the 5th round but my weight was only 95#, 115# was just too much for me on the second half of this move. The new coach was there again this morning, coach Brent. He is so much better than any other crossfit coach I have had. He walks us through the warm up and then gathers everyone around for full demonstration and instruction on all moves. He then has each of us do a couple reps of each and coaches us to proper form all before the actual workout starts. He also actively comments and corrects throughout the workout as well as encourages. It sounds like they may add a couple more 6:00 am classes on Tuesday's and Thursday's soon now that he is there. That would be nice since I could get all 4 days in during the week and even do makeup days if needed while still keeping the weekend free.

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