Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chicken Salad Tip

I can't stand yogurt!! If I was starving on a desert island I would probably not eat yogurt. However, there is one thing I hate more than yogurt and that is fake mayonnaise. So the problem is what to do about eating chicken salad and sticking to the nutrition plan. My wife made some chicken salad and snuck some yogurt in there and I have to say I never even noticed. What she does is uses half mayo, we use regular but you could use low fat if you want, and half plain low or no fat yogurt. Basically the yogurt does not add any flavor but has the same texture as the mayo and it doesn't have the fat so the chicken salad now is significantly lower in fat than usual. Her recipe is:

curry powder

Adjust it if you want an go all the way with either low/no fat may or yogurt. It is delicious stuff, the curry powder gives you a little kick the grapes some sweetness and the the almonds and celery give you that crunch.

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