Monday, September 30, 2013


Played hockey last night at 10:00 pm so no workout this morning. I might try to sneak something in tonight if possible.

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Warmed up with 200 jump rope singles followed by 3 rounds:

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 abmat sit-ups
I then did the following workout for time:

  • 400 meter run
  • 3 bear complex
  • 10 slam balls
  • 6 bear complex
  • 10 slam balls
  • 9 bear complex
  • 10 slam balls
  • 6 bear complex
  • 10 slam balls
  • 3 bear complex
  • 10 slam balls
I had 93# on the bar for the bear complex. If you are unfamiliar with this move you can have a look at this for an explanation. By the time I hit the second round where I had to do 6 I was doing them 2 at a time. Those things are brutal and hit pretty much everything in your body. I used a 20# slam ball to do these. I did not do a very good job with timing myself on this one. I had to go outside to run and then to the basement to start and atr the end I forgot to stop the clock for a bit. The final time on the clock was 21:45 though. I will be taking a break tomorrow I think.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Bench Press

Did my usual warm up this morning. 150 jump rope singles followed by 3 rounds:

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 abmat sit-ups
I then did 3 sets of 3 bench press. Weights were 158#, 168#, 168#.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Short Run

I took a short run this morning. According the mapmyrun app I did 1.74 miles in 12:19 for a pace of 7:05, not too shabby although I did not go very far. You can see the result here. It is interesting that it takes me almost a full minute to get up to pace. I don't typically do any warm up for a run and I would be curious how much increase in pace I could get if I did a warm up first. Looks like I might be able to cut my time by a little more.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Clean and Deadlift

I had a hockey game Monday night and I workout on game day or the day after so today was the first since the weekend. This morning I got up and did a warm up of 100 jumping jacks followed by my standard 3 rounds:

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 abmat sit-ups
I thine did a 23 minute AMRAP:

  • 3 power clean
  • 3 deadlift
I put 118# on for the cleans and went through the whole workout with that. I started out with 178# on the deadlift bar but dropped it to 148# pretty much right away. I think I should be doing more on the deadlift but I was not feeling that one this morning. I lost a good bit of time when I removed the weight too. I ended up doing 14 rounds but I was pretty careful to concentrate on form rather than get going too fast. I feel pretty good about that result, 42 reps of each exercise is plenty.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I just read this article on CNN about this kid who had weight loss surgery at 2 years old. You heard right, 2!!! I will admit that I do not know the whole story here but I have to say this makes no sense to me. They claim the surgery is supposed to reduce the kids capacity to intake food by up to 85%. I am wondering why the hell it is necessary to perform surgery on a 2 year old in order to accomplish that goal. Is this 2 year old going to work and earning money? Is he making trips to the grocery store to purchase his own food? Is he preparing his meals and placing them on the table and then feeding himself? It would seem to be a simple matter of the parents performing the restrictions themselves and then there is no need to perform an invasive procedure that could have lord knows what kind of long term affects on a 2 year old. I can think of no reason why this would be necessary, ever! Although like I said I don't know the whole story I just can't come up with any scenario that would excuse this. It is interesting to note that this did not happen in the US which was a bit surprising to me.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

More Tabata

I set off to do the following workout today.

8 Rounds 20's of work 10's of rest

  • knees-to-elbows
  • thrusters
  • push press
The thruster weight I started with was 98# and 88# on the push press. I rolled through the first 3 rounds and my tabata timer rang as if I was done. I fucked up the number of rounds on it again, I am a moron. I was pretty much hurting already at this point so I dropped the 88# bar to 78# and set the timer for another 3 rounds. I finished that up and set up the bars for 78# and 68# and then did another 3 rounds. So I ended up doing 9 rounds instead of 8 but dropped the weight on the way through.

My warm up for this one was 200 jump rope singles followed by 3 rounds:

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 abmat sit-ups

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Played hockey Monday and tweaked the back a bit so did not do anything until today. I ran today with 50 push-ups in the middle. 1.2 miles, 50 push-ups, 1.2 miles. Average pace over the full 2.4 was 7:29. I did the first 1.2 in 8:55 and the second half in 9:08 so my pace on the front was 7:26 and on the back was 7:36. A little slow down but not too bad.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Interesting Article

I have not read the source study but the article is interesting but not really surprising. The conclusion that exercise is good for you should be intuitively obvious to anyone who has ever engaged in it. Check the article out here.

Skipped a day

I did not get a workout in on Friday but this evening I was able to do one. I warmed up with 125 jump rope singles followed by 3 rounds:

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 abmat situps
I then did a 29:00 AMRAP:

  • 5 power cleans (118#)
  • 13 walking lunges
I completed 13 rounds and 1 extra clean. I also made it through the whole thing at the 118# weight which I felt pretty good about. That is higher than I historically clean. I felt like I was going slow as hell but I guess I averaged under 2.5 minutes per round for the whole workout which is pretty good I suppose, at least for me I think. I know I was moving a good bit faster than that for the first few rounds but by the end it was pretty tough to get through those cleans and by the end of a set of lunges my legs felt like jello every time.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Went for a little run yesterday in Tampa. You can check it out here.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Did a tabata workout today 8 rounds with 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest each exercise:

  • front squat
  • pull-up
I am at a hotel so no barbells. I used the dumbbells they had and held the 45# ones up in front of my chest for the squats. Not a ton of weight but because it was dumbbells it was tough to hold there and I don't really think I could have held much more up. They had a pull-up bar so that was good. I screwed up when I set my tabata timer and set it for 8 rounds of 20 seconds on 10 seconds off which is really only half the work because there are 2 exercises. Because of this I had to stop for a few seconds half way through and reset the timer. Not sure what my rep count was to start but at the end I was doing 6 squats and 5 pull-ups each round. This workout goes by fast but I was sweating my ass off by the end too.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Little Run

Took a little run this morning. According to mapmyrun I did 2.9 miles in just under 23:59 for a pace of 8:16. That is a pretty slow pace for me but I felt pretty good. Here is a link to the route I ran.

Monday, September 9, 2013


I have been busier than a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest and have not been posting here lately as a result. I have still been doing workouts however. I recently completed the Super Spartan race at Wintergreen Resort VA. The distance was just under 9 miles, based on this guys gps maps. The elevation changes in this race were unreal. People were dropping like flies all over the place. None of the obstacle were particularly tough but the hills were brutal. My race results are here. Not bad for a beer drinking 40 something. this was my first spartan and I will be a bit better prepared next time I think. Gonna try to do all 3 distances next year. I severely underestimated the terrain on this one. The week before I ran 8.15 miles in about 68 minutes and some change and yet this 9 took me almost 4 hours. There was almost nowhere on the course where you could run because the hills were so steep. The downhills were brutal on the knees. I already signed up for another short, 5k, mud run in November and pre-registered for the same Spartan for next year.

I have been working out since then just not posting about it. Today I warmed up with a 400 meter run followed by 3 rounds:

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 abmat sit-ups
I then did 5 sets of 5 cleans with the weights for each round being 98#, 108#, 113#, 118#, 123#. I failed on the last rep at the 123# weight. Not particularly heavy I guess but I had to find the right weight. I would start higher next time and just not go up as much but I think that 123# is real close to my 5 rep max on the exercise.