Sunday, July 28, 2013

Very much a slack ass

Still working out but not really having time to blog about it. This morning I ran 3 miles, time was 22:55. Yesterday I did:

  • kettlebell swings 35#
  • air squats
  • abmat sit-ups
  • alternating lunges
*50 jumping jacks between each round

I completed this in 11:44. Last week I played hockey and ran 2 times. Did 3.1 at 7:42 pace one day and 2.6 at 8:00 pace another day. I don't remember other than that.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Take a Walk

I got up this morning intending to do a workout that involved a lot of legs. When I got up my legs and glutes were really sore from yesterday's run and the workout the day before. I decided to go for a walk instead rather than do a full up workout. I went out and walked about 3.5 miles pretty fast. I forgot to set up the tracking app on my phone to see what kind of pace I was doing but I think, based on total time, I was moving at something around 15:00 miles. While not a brutal workout it felt pretty good and was relaxing. It also spared my legs what I think would have been some overwork so I think it was probably the right way to go today.

Monday, July 8, 2013


Went for a run at lunch today, it was hot as hell. The following stats are all from which I use to record all my runs. I did 2.4 miles in 18:52. average pace was 7:51. My pace numbers sucked at the beginning. When the first 2 minute split was spoken to me my pace was 10:05 or something like that. I picked it up from there and hit a split with a pace of 6:45 or something like that at one point. I apparently slowed down again a bit at the end for the last couple tenths of a mile. Average pace throughout was under 8:00 though so I am happy with that for today. Will see if I can improve that next time.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Workout

Started the warm up with 200 jump rope singles followed by 3 rounds:

  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 PVC arm circles
  • 12 air squats
The workout was then 3 rounds for time:

  • 800 meters
  • 16 abmat sit-ups
  • 18 walking lunges (35#)
The workout I got this from called for 45# on the walking lunges but I used my kettlebell which is 35# mostly because it is simpler to hold onto doing the lunges than anything else I have. I suppose I could use a dumbbell next time. I completed the workout in 15:38 and did not really stop at all throughout although I am sure my last 800 meters was way slower than my first.

I have been a bit lazy about the schedule and maintaining a set workout routine. I am currently looking into some things and might set up a much more regimented schedule after my vacation next week. It is not like I have not been working out but it has been sort of all over the place.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I failed to post about this yesterday but I was invited by my sister to go to her gym and do some swimming. I have not swam in years, other than getting in the pool and playing with the kids. I used to swim a lot and actually was working as a lifeguard instructor for a period of time. My sister recently started training for triathlons and started learning to swim and wanted me to join her for some training. I went with here and ended up doing something like 600 meters in various 25 meter, 50 meter, and 100 meter sets. I had a tough time with my breathing, it is not like riding a bike, but it was fun and a good workout. My sister mentioned I could get some visitor passes for her gym if I want to go again and I think I may try to work that in as a more regular part of my workout, maybe a couple times a month or something. Who knows, I might even be able to do something like once a week.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Time to get serious

I have a spartan race coming up in August so I think it is time to get back at this thing seriously. Got up this morning and started with 150 jump rope singles followed by 3 rounds:

  • 10 pull-ups
  • 10 abmat sit-ups
  • 10 PVC arm circles
Following this we dis 15 minutes to get a bench press 1 rep max. I have mentioned before I am not a big fan of any 1 rep max work but what the hell we did it anyway. I did 148#, 158#, 168#, and 178#. following this the workout was prescribed as a 15 minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) of:

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 push press (75/55)
For an EMOM you do the prescribed round at the top of each minute and then when done rest until the top of the next minute. So for this one the idea is you would do this set of work 1 times, once each minute. I loaded the bar with 78# and got to work. It became apparent after the first round that this was going to be an AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) for me and not an EMOM. I finished the first minutes wotrk just in time for the start of the next minutes work, i.e. no break.I started the second round and had to drop the weight on the bar part of the way through because my form was suffering too much and as I mentioned before these overhead exercises are tough with my back sometimes. I dropped it to 58# and finished at that. I worked throughout, mostly. I was doing the push presses in 2 sets of 5 with a couple seconds between after the first couple rounds. I ended up finishing 10 full rounds and through 3 push presses on round 11. I probably would have made 11+ if I did not stop to drop the weight down to 58#. Will be trying something new tomorrow that I have not done in a while.