Started the warm up with a 400 meter run, holy shit are my hamstrings sore as hell. I then did 3 rounds:
- 10 mountain climbers
- 10 abmat sit-ups
- 10 push-ups
The workout today is a hero WOD in honor of Army 1stLt Omar Vazquez who was killed by an IED in Iraq in 2011. There is a news article about it
here and many more sources for information if you are interested. The workout is prescribed as:
- 10 thrusters (95/65)
- 15 bar facing burpees
- 20 thrusters (95/65)
- 25 bar facing burpees
- 30 thrusters (95/65)
- 35 bar facing burpees
I started off with 93# on the bar and knocked out the first round pretty damn fast, a little over 3:00 without stopping at all on the thrusters. On round two I hit a bit of a wall and I had to drop the weight to keep my intensity up. I dropped to 78# after the first 13 of round 2 and finished with that. I might have been able to do the 93# all the way through but I was doing one at a time and wanted to get going a bit faster. I did round three thrusters in sets of 3 with a few seconds between. My range of motion and form were very good all the way through though so I am pretty happy with that. I also split the burpees a bit on the last round doing 10 at a time with a brief break and then back in. I was sweating like crazy by the end. I completed the workout in 19:13. I did some stretching after to cool down. Sarah did a few thrrusters as well and then even tried with a bit of weight on the bar. She is doing well but we need to get her doing some strength work, I will have to look into that.
I read an
article this morning in the NY Times about the health benefits of drinking coffee. I know there is some discussion among thee crossfit community on coffee and if you should drink it or not. I have never given it up. I figure I drink it black so I really am adding nothing as far as calories, I think it is maybe 2 calories a cup, and I just enjoy it so I am going to drink it. The article talks a bit about some studies that indicate reduction in all kinds of things from cancer to diabetes to Alzheimer's. There does not appear to be any direct evidence of a causal relationship but there is a strong correlation in many of the studies. I am mostly just happy to have someone tell me it is good to drink my 5 cup pot every morning, not that I was going to stop anyway.